Friday, April 18, 2008

Comments and thoughts on the Rwandan Genocide~

*After reading and thinking about the articles and interviews on the genocide that took place in Rwanda, I felt a burden on my heart and a terrible feeling in my stomach. I personally, could never ever imagine what it would be like to live in fear daily and after reading the articles it made me really appreciate what God has provided my family and I with. I really connected with the words of one news reporter who captured the Rwandan genocide and experienced the crisis for what it truly was. One thing he said really made me contemplate how powerful the genocide was and how it really changed his life,

"Just after the genocide, when I'd wake up in the night, this was a dream of being hidden under corpses, and a man with red eyes and a machete pulling the corpses away to get at me. And that was just born. I know where that came from. That came from the road blocks, and the looks on people's faces.But now it's kind of waking up with a sense of failure as a human being. And I can't really describe the dreams themselves, except that it's just crowds of people, crowds of people and, then, waking up and just feeling a sense of failure. It sounds bizarre, but that's what Rwanda has left me with as a human being."

*For some reason I really connected with this quote and it seemed to capture some of the emotions I have felt while watching Hotel Rwanda for a second time. This time, while watching the movie, I have noticed certain things that I didn't see the first time and I have really been able to understand the situation more thoroughly. I think that it is very importante to watch this movie more than once because, you notice new things and can really understand just a small portion of what the genocide was like.

* During class we have been taking notes on how media plays a big part throughout the crisis in Rwanda. I have noticed that things like; TV, communication systems, news, and news reporters play a huge role in publizing information. However, I think that the radio is the most important piece of media that affected the extremity of the Rwandan genocide. It instilled fear, anger, destruction, and above all, hate.

1 comment:

Ms. Lillo said...

The quote you picked out really resonated with me as well. Watching the movie, I feel like I (being a member of the western cultures that ignored the conflict) failed people. I am struck that humanity can be so base and sinful. It saddens me that people are capable of such horrors. It also blows me away that Jesus died for those people too. Even though we are twisted/weak/irresponsible/ignorant to suffering, God cared enough to let his son die to save ALL of us. Crazy.