Saturday, March 10, 2007

Question 3: 1984

* what is the mood of this novel? do you find this novel saddens you in any way? why?

The mood of this novel is a very dark and secretive. In the novel 1984 the government has complete control over everything. So, another mood of this novel involves fear, fear of getting caught or being hanged like the people they see at least once a month being hanged in the park. People live in fear and this keeps them from violating any laws or rules that Big Brother puts into place.

This novel was full of many different emotions and changes. I had many different feelings throughout this novel. The end of the novel surprised me in a very disturbing way. When I took the time after finishing the novel to think about the end, it did sadden me. To think that in the end the Party wins and Winston seems to forget everything that happened before his arrest. I suppose that the events which happen to him in the Ministry of Love are very traumatizing. Even though I can see how Winston, in the end, ended up loving Big Brother, it seems so hard for me to accept that. That Winston actually believed 2+2=5 and many other concepts that O'Brien taught him is difficult to accept. Even though all these events take place I didn't want Winston to end up loving Big Brother. It certainly does sadden me in many ways to think that every truth Winston came into contact with was shapped by O'Brien into either a lie or a mistake. It is disturbing that the human mind can be changed so drastically, to the point at which you may forget or corrupt your past and your memories.

1 comment:

African Globe Trotters. said...

Don't forget to do a spell check. Good identification of mood. Mrs.Mc.