Saturday, February 17, 2007

Question 3: Fahrenheit 451

* what is the mood of this novel? do you find this novel saddens you in any way? why?

The mood of the novel Fahrenheit 451 is one of desperation, despair, longing and darkness. It is desperate because of Montag's longing for greater knowledge, like in the scene where Montag takes the book from the Old Lady. Montag is not quite sure why he takes the book but he knows that there is something inside of the book that is strong enough people would die for it. In this scene he desires, and is desperate to know, why people die for these books and what is between the covers of these books.
The novel is very dark and is the opposite of a cheerful and happy love story. It is full of suspense and awful events take place. An example of this would be when Montag has to leave the Old Lady behind and let her burn in the house. This scene was very disturbing and memorable.

This novel was intriguing in parts but very disturbing and dark. This novel did sadden me in some ways. I was sad for Mildred because she was so sucked into the media and buying everything other people told her. She really had no life and was just kind of wasting away. When I got thinking about her and who else may be like her right now, I was saddened. To think that someone/anyone would want to just waste their life is a horrible thought.

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