Saturday, February 17, 2007

Question 7: Fahrenheit 451

* are there are any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? what are they, and how do they relate? does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or "fixed"?

Currently in the world people or groups of people are being persecuted and thrown in jail by the government. Right now missionaries in many places around the world are being tortured for meeting with groups of Christians in basements for church services. In North Korea people aren't even allowed to be Christians, or to worship anyone or anything but Kim Jung Il. These problems that are happening in the world right now relate to the novel Fahrenheit 451 because both Montag, and people without freedom today, are being prevented from teaching others and having free will of speech and actions. The government in Fahrenheit 451 catches people, and tortures or kills them, if those people disagree with government control. For Montag this is what would have happened to him if he was caught by the mechanical hound. The novel can relate to us today and help us to fix our problems through the trials and experiences Montag faced and went through. The novel, Fahrenheit 451, sheds light on the fact that governments can use their control and power for wrong, but when people keep standing up for what they believe in, they can make a difference in the world. Like Beatty, I think the governments who are doing this to these people groups will "want to die" after they come upon the truth of what they are doing.


Esther* said...

Wow, Rebecca! You put such a political connection to the reading.
I agree that book has similar situations with North Korea, and how the government blocks people's views and thoughts by force.
To add to your thoughts, I think how we depend on modern technologies is described throughout the books with characters like Mildred and her friends.

Mr and Mrs L said...

Hey Esther,
Thanks for you comment~!
That was just one example
from the world about how it relates or
can connect with the situations taken place
in the world right now. There are many
more unfair and unjust laws and
punishments that the government is doing in
certain places. What I find strange is that
people know what is going on (in general)
and yet fail to take action against it.


