Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Question 3: Ender's Game

* what is the climax of this novel? what happens? how do the events of this novel make you feel?

I think the climax of this novel is the part in which Ender refuses to go to the Command School and stays at the location by the lake for two months. The climax of the book is when he decides to go to the Command School and become everything "they" want him to be, and more. Right before the climax, Ender is visited by his sister, Valentine. They have not seen each other for many years. Valentine was sent to Ender to try to convince him to go to Command School and after this he does, because that is what Valentine wanted him to do.
The events in this novel are very climatic and exciting, you never want to put the book down. I felt many different feelings through all the different events in this book. Feelings like hate, anger, nervousness, excited, frustrated, annoyed, caring, loving, and many more.

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