Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Question 7: Ender's Game

* are there are any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? what are they, and how do they relate? does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or "fixed"?

Right now the Americans are still at war with Iraq. I think this situation could relate to the one in the book, Ender's Game. President George Bush has made some pretty bad decisions, but above all he has not rectified them by taking his army out of Iraq. He has killed many innocent civilians and has caused great disorder and hatred in Iraq. War is a horrible thing and like Ender I think President Bush will feel regret and compassion for the Iraqi citizens. This situation does not have to end like the one in Enders Game. It can simply end by President Bush realizing what is the right thing to do in a situation like this and that is to make peace with Iraq. The difference in these two wars is that Ender did not know what he was doing, but President Bush has a very clear idea of the destruction and hatred he is creating and yet he does not stop it.


Amy Yoo said...

I agree with you. President Bush should read this book and learn a lesson on how to be the better person. I won't say more about President Bush because I've already said a lot. He is trying his best to run a country, and everyone makes mistakes so no one can really blame him too harshly. :)

Mr and Mrs L said...

Well I suppose that President Bush is doing his best but he is the representative of all of America~!! He cannot make HUGE mistakes like that. It is his duty to run his country with responsibility and not make stupid decisions that reflect himself and his country in a bad way. If President Bush is not aware of this, I don't think he should be President. Personally, I don't like him at all as a President. I am sure there are many things that he does well in for his job. But the only things that the public really ever sees is his flaws. So far, he has made many flaws...